CS 848-002 (Fall 2016)
Student Reading and Research Presentations
G. V. Cormack et al., The Efficient Construction of Large Test
Collections, SIGIR 1998.
I. Soboroff and S. Robertson, Building a Filtering Test Collection for
TREC 2002, SIGIR 2003.
D. D. Lewis et al., A New Benchmark Collection for Text
Categorization Research, 5 J. Mach. Learn. Res. 361 (2004).
M. Sanderson and H. Joho, Forming Test Collections with No System
Pooling, SIGIR 2004.
E. Voorhees, Variance in Relevance Judgments and the
Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness, 36 Info.
Proc. & Mgmt. 697 (2000).
P. Bailey et al., Relevance Assessment: Are
Judges Interchangeable and Does It Matter?, SIGIR 2008.
A. Roegiest and G. V. Cormack, Impact of Review-Set Selection on Human Assessment for Text
Classification, SIGIR 2016.
A. Turpin et al., The Benefits of Magnitude Estimation Relevance Assessments for
Information Retrieval Evaluation, SIGIR 2015.
H. Roitblat et al., Document Categorization in Legal Electronic Discovery: Computer Classification vs. Manual
Review, 61 JASIST 70 (2010).
10. M.
R. Grossman and G. V. Cormack, Technology-Assisted Review in E-Discovery Can Be More Effective and
More Efficient Than Exhaustive Manual Review, 17 Rich. J.L. & Tech
11 (2011).
11. K.
Schieneman and T. Gricks, The Implications of Rule 26(g) on the Use of
Technology-Assisted Review, 7 Fed. Courts L. Rev. 239 (2013).
12. M.
R. Grossman and G.V. Cormack, Comments on ‘The Implications of Rule 26(g)
on the Use of Technology-Assisted Review’, 7 Fed. Courts L. Rev. 385 (2014).
13. W.
Webber et al., Sequential Testing in Classifier Evaluation
Yields Biased Estimates of Effectiveness, SIGIR 2013.
14. M.
Bagdouri et al., Towards Minimizing the Annotation Cost of
Certified Text Classification, CIKM 2013.
15. G.
V. Cormack and M. R. Grossman, Evaluation of Machine-Learning Protocols for Technology-Assisted Review,
SIGIR 2014.
16. G.
V. Cormack and M. R. Grossman, Engineering Quality and Reliability in Technology-Assisted Review,
SIGIR 2016.
17. G.
V. Cormack and T. R. Lynam, On-Line Supervised Spam Filter Evaluation, TOIS 2007.
18. D.
Sculley and G.M. Wachman, Relaxed Online SVMs for Spam Filtering
and Errata,
SIGIR 2007.
19. G.
V. Cormack and A. Kolcz, Spam Filtering Evaluation with Imprecise
Ground Truth, SIGIR 2009.
20. B.
Wallace et al., Active Learning for Biomedical Citation
Screenings, KDD 2010.